⚡️The Harry Potter film and book quiz has been a long-running favourite with us, come and see what our quiz about the young wizard will be like. ⚡️
This quiz will be made up of just eight films and seven books from the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
Don’t forget to register your team. You will help us seat you at the table in the right numbers 🙂
The Mystery Pub is open to you from 10:00 am, you can come anytime. Whether for coffee, waffles, pizza or a great drink.
Special mixed drinks will be waiting for you at the quiz: Chrabromil, Bystrohlav, Biflemore and Slizolin. Or are you in the mood for a Mrs. Weasley’s Waffle?
Tickets are valid for one person. There can be 4 members in a team. Be sure to REGISTER after you purchase your ticket.
If you have any questions, email info@mysterypub.sk.
Location: Mystery pub – Miletičova 21
Date: Thursday 20 July 2023
Start time: 19:00
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