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Top things to do in Bratislava in May

  • 06.05.2024
  • Bratislava events today, What to do in Bratislava

Top things to do in Bratislava in May 2024. It’s finally here! Blossoming, fragrant, sunny May and with it a rich May programme. Eventland brings you the best Bratislava has to offer in May – top activities in Bratislava, concerts, festivals, flea markets, cabaret, exhibitions, lectures and much more… Enjoy!

1. Bratislava Majáles
2. Night of Museums and Galleries
3. Open Cellars Day
4. Papilonia Butterfly House
5. Urban Market
6. Les Misérables
7. Flea market Drieňová
8. Thirty Seconds To Mars
9. Methods of interrogation and obtaining information
10. Sunrise Yoga Festival
11. Rača Feast
12. Craft Fair at Červený Kamen Castle

1. Bratislava Majáles

What would May be without the traditional Majáles! It will not be missing this year either, and again at the traditional place, on the Tyršovo nábreží embankment. On the first weekend of May you can enjoy not only good food and drink, but also a rich programme, including a theatre for children, various discussions, exhibitions and of course the traditional majáles concerts of the bands Pudding Mrs. Elvis, Le Payaco and Hex, and the singer Jana Kirschner.

Bratislavský majáles

2. Night of Museums and Galleries

If you are a fan of museums and galleries, the following event is for you. On Saturday, 18 May, the traditional Night of Museums and Galleries will take place at Bratislava Castle, where you can enjoy guided tours, interactive tours for children, various exhibitions and expositions. As otherwise, opening hours will be until midnight.

Noc múzeí a galérií

3. Open Cellars Day

Do you like wine? If you are a lover of Slovak wine, accept the invitation of Malocarpathian winemakers to their cellars as part of the traditional opening of cellars on St. Urban’s Day, which opens the season on the Malocarpathian Wine Route. Dozens of open cellars and winemakers are waiting for you, who will proudly guide you through them and present their best wines.

Deň otvorených pivníc

4. Papilonia Butterfly House

Looking for a programme for children in Bratislava? We have a great tip for you. Just visit Papilonia, the butterfly house, where you can enjoy hundreds of exotic butterflies right above your heads. You will also learn that most exotic species live only 2 to 4 weeks, that the fastest species can fly at the speed of a galloping horse, that the largest butterflies have a wingspan of more than 30 cm and that their taste buds are located on the soles of their feet. And many other interesting facts about the butterfly world.

Motyli dom

5. Urban Market

Local design, contemporary design, original creations. All this can be found at the Urban Market, which after five years is coming back to the Faculty of Architecture and Design. In addition to the work of young artists, there will also be a rich programme for children and the Urban Food Park on the nearby Freedom Square.

Urban market Bratislava

6. Les Misérables

Who doesn’t know the classic story of Jean Valjean, the fugitive galley-boy from the French classic “Les Misérables” by Victor Hugo. After 39 years since its premiere in Paris, the musical BEDÁRI by French authors Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schőnberg-music is also coming to Slovak audiences, in a retelling by Jan Štrasser, directed and supervised by Marie Zamora and starring Titusz Tóbisz as Jean Valjean. Enjoy the most successful musical of all time in May with Young Ticket. Purchase at least two tickets, pay full price for one ticket and select YOUNG TICKET from the discount offer for the second ticket, then the price of this ticket will be converted to 0€.


7. Flea market Drieňová

And there’s once again an opportunity to eco-weather your wardrobe. At the traditional Burzoblšák you can find not only new clothes, but also handmade products, records and various antiques. The Burzoblšák already inherently includes a relaxation zone and in it a variety of sweet and savoury snacks and lemonades and creative workshops for your children.


8. Thirty Seconds To Mars

Does the name Jared Leto mean anything to you? If you’re a movie fan, you’ll be familiar with films like Morbius, Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Blade Runner 2049, Suicide Squad (Joker), The Assassination of John Lennon, Death Dealer, Alexander the Great, Fight Club and Dallas Buyers Club, for which Jared Leto won an Oscar. Now this great actor is coming to Bratislava together with his brother and their band Thirty Seconds To Mars as part of their world tour.

Thirty Seconds To Mars

9. Methods of questioning and obtaining information

If you like everything related to forensic psychology, you should not miss the lecture of the legend of Czech criminalistics Jiřina Hofmanová. In this unique lecture, she will discuss what a criminal psychologist solves, how to spot a lie, how interrogations of suspects are conducted, and also how investigators have proceeded in specific cases. You will learn what strategies investigators use in interrogations, also which information-gathering techniques are most effective and what mistakes investigators must avoid and not be led off the scent.

Metódy vypočúvania a získavania informácií

10. Sunrise Yoga Festival

Finally, we have something for all yoga enthusiasts, the Sunrise Yoga Festival Bratislava. Not only will you learn or just fine tune a way to boost your energy and improve your health, but you can also listen to lectures from exceptional guests. The practice will be accompanied by the organizer and expert guarantor of the event, lecturer Kika Peráčková. Of course, yoga also includes healthy eating, so there will be high quality organic and organic food waiting for you throughout the day and a variety of drinks made from herbs.

Sunrise joga

11. Rača feast

A great traditional event not only for Racians and New Towners, but all those who like to enjoy good food and a great feast atmosphere. On the first weekend in May, the classic Račianske Feast will be held in Rača, where in addition to stalls with delicious food and wine, there will also be performances by music and dance groups, aerial acrobatics, a children’s program, a party with a DJ, exhibitions and carousels. And look out, there will be a competition for the Best Feast Cake.

Račianske hody 2024

12. Craft Fair at Červený Kamen Castle

A unique atmosphere, beautiful architecture and a huge variety of original products – all this awaits you at the Červenokamensky craft market at Červený Kamen Castle. More than 60 craftsmen will be presenting themselves, and whose original products and skills you can admire directly in the castle grounds.

Remeselné trhy na hrade Červený kameň

Photo: Presidential Garden by @veronaferi

Find all tips for the best THINGS TO DO IN BRATISLAVA.

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