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Colour Your Summer

  • 13.08.2024 - 18.08.2024
  • Bratislava events today, What to do in Bratislava
  • 2€/ dieťa

Summer workshop week at BIBIANA, the International House of Art for Children! Choose your favourite illustrator, let your imagination run wild and create your own book.

The project called Colour Your Summer was created in 2022 and its aim is to present Slovak illustrators to children, to get an insight into their work, the process of creation, to learn about illustration techniques… The project has been very successful, and BIBIANA is continuing in 2024 with the 3rd series of joint workshops of Slovak illustrators and children.

There will be 2 series of workshops in July and August – 6 meetings in July and 6 in August (16 July – 21 July 2024 and 13 August – 18 August 2024). Children from 5 to 12 years old will have the opportunity to meet selected illustrators, see the secrets of their work, learn about different illustration techniques and together with them let themselves be carried away on a summer wave of imagination, or create their own mini-book…

7 Slovak illustrators will take part in the project this year: Marta Matus, Hedviga Gutierrez, Tomáš Cíger, Ivana Kleinová, Peter Uchnár, Filip Horník and Juraj Martiška.

Dates of workshops:

16 July 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Hedviga M. Gutierrez

17 July 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Marta Matus

18 July 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Tomas Cíger

19 Jul 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Ivana Kleinová

20 Jul 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Peter Uchnár

21 Jul 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Juraj Martiška

13 Aug 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Ivana Kleinová

14 Aug 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Filip Horník

15 Aug 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Hedviga M. Gutierrez

16 Aug 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Marta Matus

17 Aug 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Peter Uchnár

18 Aug 2024 16:00 – 17:30 Juraj Martiska

See more information about each workshop:

Colour your summer with Hedvig M. Gutierrez

In the creative session entitled “The Author’s Book”, participants will take a glimpse into the fascinating world of illustrators and discover the secrets of their profession. The main point of the programme will be a creative adventure – the creation of your own author’s book. Children will explore their imagination and show their creativity not only in drawing, but also in creating the whole concept of the book.

Hedviga M. Gutierrez is a graduate of the Studio of Book Illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. She is mainly engaged in book and editorial illustration for children. Her work is based on digital illustration. She likes to experiment, working with digital collage, but also with vector graphics.

Colour your summer with Marta Matus

The second creative meeting will be marked by “Fashion for the wolf”. Participants of the workshop will create a “dressing paper doll” – a wolf, for which they will create an outfit using collage, drawing or just colour and cut out pre-made fashion pieces. At the end, the children will decorate a pouch to take the wolf and its finished clothes home.

Marta Matus is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. Her work focuses on children’s book illustration. She uses the technique of digital collage and drawing, as well as hand collage. In her illustrations, readers can find hidden jokes, which the author likes to insert into her works. The book Etiquette. Rules of Decent Behavior, which she illustrated, was one of the 100 most beautiful books in the world. In addition to her book work, she enjoys illustrating for magazines.

Colour your summer with Tomáš Cíger alias Eniac

The workshop, titled “Super Comics Mega Rainbow Vacuum 3000 Workshop with Eniac and the Vacuum Cleaner Mega League,” will take kids on a colorful whirlwind of turbo mega comic book production using a variety of ideas and contraptions ranging from superheroes, supermega vacuums, sinister space giants to comic book action arcade video games. They will learn more about the creation of comic books.

Tomáš Cíger alias Eniac is a Slovak illustrator, comic artist, designer, animator with a special interest in science fiction and surrealism.

Colour your summer with Ivana Kleinová

At the creative meeting “Faces from our street” children will draw and stamp. The basis for them will be familiar faces from their neighbourhood, people they meet… random, or someone they like. They will create a portrait that they can eventually dedicate to that person in person.

Ivana Kleinová studied visual communication at the Faculty of Arts in Košice. In her work, she likes to work with simple and pleasant shapes, playful lines and colours that often surprise even herself.

Colour your summer with Petr Uchnár

At the workshop “Fantastic Creatures” children will draw or paint a fantastic creature from a fairy tale or from their own imagination. They will cut out the drawn figure and place it in a pre-prepared picture by the illustrator.

Peter Uchnár is one of the most successful Slovak illustrators of the last decades. Already for his debut, Gulliver’s Travels, he was awarded the BIB Golden Apple in 1999 and he was the only one in the history of BIB to be awarded the Children’s Jury Prize twice (in 2009 and 2017). Among the most famous titles illustrated by him are Kristínka a svet fantázie, The Big Book of Slovak Fairy Tales and Peter Pan. In addition to fairy tales and fantasy stories, he has also illustrated poetry collections and books of stories.

Colour your year with Juraj Martiška

The creative meeting with this illustrator will have a summer theme – “Painting/Loving the summer garden”. Everyone knows a garden and maybe everyone dreams of one… Whether it’s a garden on the balcony or at the family house. In this workshop, children will draw, cut out coloured paper and think of ways to get a colourful garden on paper…

Juraj Martiška studied at the Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Kremnica and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, majoring in painting under professors Ľ. Hološka and J. Berger. He belongs to the middle generation of Slovak illustrators. His illustration work is very fragile and at the same time has subtly humorous elements.

Colour your summer with Filip Hornik

At the creative meeting called “Paper Dragon”, the illustrator will work with children to make a fantastic dragon creature in the form of a paper puppet. Children must bring their imagination and a desire to work with paints.

Filip Horník is an illustrator, graphic designer, author. He graduated from ŠÚV in Kremnica, later he graduated from the Product Design studio under the guidance of František Burian and completed his doctoral studies at the Art Design Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. His debut as an illustrator was Zuzana Boďová’s books entitled Kremnicky permoníci. Today he has a number of children’s books for Slovart, Ikar and Albatros publishers. He contributes his work to Bublina and Slniečko magazines, where he is the co-creator of the legendary character Jožek Mrkvička.

Location: BIBIANA, Panská, Old Town, Slovakia
Date: from 16.07.2024 – 18.08.2024
Start: 16:00
Admission: 2 €

Here you will find all the tips for EVENTS FOR CHILDREN.


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