Tencalla. Love in the Shadow of the Baroque

Tencalla. Love in the Shadow of the Baroque

  • 13.08.2022 - 13.08.2022
  • Bratislava events today, What to do in Bratislava
  • dospelí: 10,00 € seniori, študenti, ZŤP a deti od 6 rokov: 6,00 € rodinné vstupné (2 dospelí + 2 deti): 22,00 € deti do 6 rokov: zdarma

SNM-Museum Červený Kameň invites you on Saturday, 13 August 2022 to a theatrical performance and evening shows entitled Tencalla – Love in the Shadow of the Baroque.

The greatest jewel of Červený Kameň Castle is the early Baroque decoration, which was taken care of by the Italian fresco artist Carpoforo Tencalla. The main motif of the fresco decoration is a woman. The same woman, of the same face and bodily curves, depicted in various scenes and stories from the Old Testament to Ovid’s metamorphoses. Why this woman? Why did Tencalla choose her? One possible explanation is that it was a commission from Nicholas IV, who had the castle decorated with women’s stories as a wedding gift for his newlywed wife, Maria Eleonora Harrach. However, there is a small catch. Their marriage was arranged, it was a marriage of duty, there is no love at first sight…

The shows start every full hour from 18.00 to 22.00.
Tickets can be booked by email at: objednavkymck@snm.sk
Place: the Castle of Červený Kameň, Častá-Červený Kameň, Slovakia
Date: Saturday, August 13, 2022
Start: from 18.00 to 22.00 h
Admission: adults: 10,00 € seniors, students, disabled and children from 6 years: 6,00 € family admission (2 adults + 2 children): 22,00 € children up to 6 years: free

Find all tips for the EVENTS IN BRATISLAVA.


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