To match the book – the cult novel by Mikhail Bulgakov – was a great challenge for Teatro Tatro and a search for answers to questions:
How has the devil, who appeared in Moscow in the 1930s, changed and how much does he influence the world of today? Is the contemporary world, by any chance, even more diabolical than the world of post-revolutionary Moscow? And does Jesus Christ still have any influence, or is he just an idealistic prophet who, if he were to appear now, would immediately end up in an insane asylum, in prison, or starving to death? Are we afraid of the last judgment? And is there still a love today that is so great that even the devil himself will bow down before it?
It is the love line of the novel that is essential to the “theatrical” dramatization. The ambition of the performance is to move the “ordinary” telling of a “simple” story even deeper into the metaphorical world of magic and dreams.
The experience of the performance is enhanced by the unconventional space of the chapit, which becomes a laboratory where the answers to the age-old questions plaguing mankind are sought…
Adaptation of the novel, script and direction by Ondrej Spišák
Scenery by František Lipták
Costumes by Katarína Hollá
Music by: Andrej Kalinka
Art collaboration: Zuzana Formánková
Set design: Peter Kostroň
Puppets: Karel Czech
Shadow puppets: Jana Konečná Masks: Martin Blizniak
Technical collaboration: Radoslav Šabík, Michal Juhás, Ladislav Boroš Production: Mana, s.r.o.
Lukáš Latinák, Marián Miezga, Róbert Jakab, Lukasz Kos, Zuzana Moravcová/Zuzana Konečná, Milan Ondrík, Peter Oszlík, Agáta Spišáková, Rudo Kratochvíl, Martin Nahálka, Milan Vojtela, Šimon Spišák, Martin Šalacha, Andrej Kalinka, Lucia Korená and Ondrej Spišák
The performance includes smoking and vulgarisms.
Place: Železná studnička, New Town, Bratislava
Date: 1 – 3 July 2024
Start: 19:00
Admission: 40 €
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