Bratislava Coronation Days


Bratislava Coronation Days

  • 16.08.2024 - 18.08.2024
  • Bratislava events today, What to do in Bratislava

History has not died and rulers have not completely disappeared. This July, the history will come alive again in the former royal city. This time, you can witness the coronations as they used to be from 16 to 18 August 2024. A coronation procession will parade through the streets of the city, with participants in period costumes and with the appropriate props to set the right mood. Themed city tours, a coronation procession and a return to the days of the knights await you.

👑 From Bratislava Castle you will be able to accompany a 200-strong coronation procession in ornate historical costumes through the streets of Bratislava. Slovak and Czech historical fencing groups as well as historical theatre and dance groups will be represented in the procession. You will find the king and queen, high and low nobility, church dignitaries as well as common people. The parade will end in the Main Square, where you will be able to see demonstrations of historical theatre and fencing performances.

There will also be a rich accompanying programme for families, guided tours of the city and much more.

During the coronation days you will learn for example:

👑 Why Bratislava became the coronation city of Hungarian kings and queens.

👑 Where the coronations took place.

👑 How many kings and queens were crowned in St. Martin’s Cathedral.

👑 How the actual coronation took place.

👑 How many bronze crowns marking the route of the coronation procession.

👑 Where the crowned hill was located.

The coronation ceremony is accompanied by a period fair and many other attractions completing the period atmosphere.

Location: Bratislava
Date: 16.08.2024 – 18.08.2024
Entrance: free

Find all tips for the FESTIVALS 2024.


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