Pavol Hammel a Prúdy
Pavol Hammel a Prúdy

Pavol Hammel concert

  • 06.02.2025
  • Bratislava events today, What to do in Bratislava
  • 30 - 75 €

60 years of legend. Last year, the music legend Prudy celebrated an incredible 60 years on the Slovak music scene. Almost all musical greats, including Marian Varga, Pavol Hammel, Fero Griglak and Fedor Freso, have been part of the famous Slovak band. The legendary album Zvoňte zvonky (Ring the Bells) from 1969 was a breakthrough.

Come and remember these Slovak legends and their greatest hits on Thursday, February 6, at STARS auditorium on Junácká Street in Bratislava.

Pavol Hammel

Pavol Hammel is a Slovak singer, composer, guitarist and music producer. In 1963 he founded the band Prudy. He composed the first song in the group Prúdy called “Spievam si pieseň” in 1965. Two years later, Marián Varga started playing with Prúdy. Kamil Peteraj and Boris Filan, with whom Pavol Hammel still collaborates today, were the band’s court lyricists at that time. Since 1972, Hammel has recorded five separate albums with Marián Varga.

Among his greatest hits are songs such as Zvonky zvonte, Medulienka, Učiteľka tanca, Mladosť, Kamalásky, Cirkus leto, Pamätáš, Žijem rád, Koče plné ruží and many others.

Venue: STARS auditorium, Junácka, Bratislava
Date: Thursday, 06.02.2025
Start: 19:00
Admission: 30 – 75 €

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