Don Giovanni is not just the story of a punished sinner, nor is it a simple musical. It is a uniquely dramatic work in which even seemingly typical comedic situations, which in other operas appear light and uncommitted, have a harsh effect and heighten the overall tension.
Giovanni eventually gets his comeuppance, though in the end the question of who actually condemned and punished him remains open: God, people, or, as Jozef Bednárik, the director of the title suggests, his own soul?
Although Mozart in no way deviates from the classical compositional style, in no way breaks the strict stylistic “regulation”, he nevertheless gives the work a clear stamp of originality that is not repeated in the operatic literature.
Don Giovanni – Pavol Kubáň, Pavol Remenár
Donna Anna – Mariana Sajko, Simona Šaturová
Don Ottavio – Peter Račko, Ondrej Šaling
Komtur – Jozef Benci, Peter Mikuláš
Donna Elvira – Michaela Kušteková, Lenka Máčiková, Eva Hornyáková
Leporello – Gustáv Beláček, Michal Onufer
Masetto – Martin Morháč, Csaba Kotlár
Zerlina – Adriana Banásová, Andrea Vizvári
Majordomus – Emil Leeger
Cast – choir of the Slovak National Theatre Opera, orchestra of the Slovak National Theatre Opera
Venue: Slovak National Theatre, Pribinova Street, Old Town, Slovakia
Performance dates:
Friday 16 May 2025 19:00 h – 22:00 h
Saturday 17 May 2025 17:00 h – 20:00 h
The production is suitable for audiences aged 12 and over.
Dramma giocoso in two acts in Italian language, Slovak and English subtitles.
Running time: 3 hours with one intermission
Admission: 19 – 50 €
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