The festive season brings the traditional Christmas markets to Prague and we have prepared for you the list of the most interesting events and places to visit there during Advent period! Enjoy!
1. Karlín Advent
2. Christmas Market at Wenceslaus Square
3. Christmas market on the Republic Square
4. Advent Farmers’ Market at Kulaťák
5. Christmas market in Anděl
6. Christmas Market on Old Town Square
7. Christmas Markets on Tyl Square
8. Christmas markets on Square of Jiří z Poděbrad
9. Christmas Market at Prague Castle
10. Christmas market on Peace Square
Enjoy the magical festive atmosphere of Advent Sundays on Karlínské náměstí! The organisers have prepared a great accompanying programme with carols and singing performances by local schools and choirs will definitely bring you Christmas mood which will be even more intensified by the traditonal stalls full of delicious festive treats. The event will be every Sunday from 27 November to 18 December 2022.
As you may expect, the traditional Christmas atmosphere will be this year enjoyed also on Prague‘s Wenceslas Square! Come and enjoy the wide range of artisan gifts such as ornaments, candle holders, mistletoe, wreaths and candles so that you can support of non-profit organizations, and a great bunch of stalls which will offer you varied delicious refreshments, interesting cultural program every day from 10am to 10pm. The markets will last from 26 November 2022 to 6 January 2023.
The well-known location of Christmas markets in Prague will not miss its another edition even this year! Republic square will offer the typical products of these festive season such as advent calendars, nativity scenes, confectionery, gingerbread with Christmas theme, marzipan, honey products, mead and Christmas refreshments, tea, grog, mulled wine, punch, dried fruit, nuts of all kinds, roasted chestnuts, Christmas decorations together with those to buy as a gift for your beloved ones. The market will be opened every day from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. from 24 November until 24 December 2022.
In case you are looking for the markets which will have the festive mood but still you will have the opportunity to buy regular farmer goods, Advent Farmer’s Market at Kulat’ák is the perfect place for it! You will find there various fresh vegetables, fish, pastries, mistletoe, Christmas decorations typical Christmas goods such as wine, roasted chestnuts, Advent wreaths, flowers and festive ties and much more. For hungry stomachs, there is going to be fish soup, fried carp with potato salad, trout chips or carp pieces. The Advent Farmers’ Market will be every Saturday from 26 November to 17 December 2022.
Christmas markets will be also hosted by pedestrian zone Anděl, Prague’s Smíchov! Come and celebrate the gradually-growing festive atmosphere here and enjoy the time with your family and friend with mulled wine, mead or even lángos. As with every Christmas markets, you will have the opportunity to purchase various handicrafts, farm products and Christmas decorations. The markets will start on 24 November and will end on 24 December 2022.
Enjoy the atmosphere of Old Town Square’s Christmas markets which will definitely put you into festive mood! During the first day of the markets, there will be a traditional lighting of the richly decorated Christmas tree which will be accompanied by a great selection of festive assortment to eat and buy, as well as by cultural programme full of theatre performances. There will also be a traditional nativity scene and a mini-zoo for children. The markets start on 26 November and will last until 6 January 2023.
Prague 2 will have their Christmas markets as well! On Tyl Square, you will have the opportunity to try out all the Christmas treats you know and are used to during this festive season or buy something such as mistletoe, Advent wreaths, candles, candle holders, toys, Christmas decorations and ties, confectionery, Advent calendars, nativity scenes, arts and crafts and Christmas refreshments. The market will start on 26 November and will last until 24 December 2022 and will be opened from 10am to 7pm.
The traditional Christmas markets will not be missing even on Square of Jiří z Poděbrad, Prague 3! The organisers have prepared a packed accompanying programme which will include not only various stalls witch festive refreshments such as mulled wine, mead, punch and sweets but also culture programme starting on the first day with lighting of the Christmas tree, following St. Nicholas quest or music concerts. The start of the markets is planned for 27 November and ending for 23 December 2022.
Do not miss very the first Christmas makets that will take place in Prague castle! Visitors can look forward to a diverse and carefully selected assortment of domestic vendors at the Stable Yard and Jiřská square. As usual with these thematic markets, you will have the opportunity to choose from a varied selection of traditional Christmas specialties. There will be also a rich accompanying programme, e.g. on the square behind the Cathedral of St. Vitus there will be stalls with Czech products. There will be a blacksmith, coin minting, ornament painting and sheep wool products. The markets will be every day from from 23 November until 6 January 2023.
Prague’s Peace Sqaure will bring another edition of Christmas markets near the Church of St. Ludmila! Bring your family and friends there to enjoy all the typical Christmas refreshments such as Christmas punch, mulled wine, hot pancakes, grilled specialties. Apart from something to eat, there is going to be various festive goods such as Christmas cards, tree ornaments, chains, gifts and giftware, candlesticks, Advent wreaths and much more! The markets will take place every day from 20 November – 24 December 2022.
Photo: Christmas markets on Old Town Square by Peter Čech photography
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