Astro-matinee. Astronomy for (not only) children, in a clear way. On 1 March, anyone can become an astronomer…
Astronomers are actually grown-up kids – they like big bangs, for example, or ask lots of questions…
The programme will explain the curiosities of the universe in an easy-to-understand but colourful language for children, demonstrate phenomena in an interactive way and answer children’s often seemingly simple but tricky questions – (adults can ask questions too, of course! )
What awaits you this morning?
After an exciting meteorite presentation, we will simulate a meteorite impact in an experiment, and then we will play out how we could save the Earth from an asteroid!? After you have played well, you can also hold real meteorites that have fallen from the sky in your hands, and we will even examine these special celestial treats with a microscope.
At the end of the program, we will visit the Budapest Dome, where you can see the largest telescopes in Budapest, and hear many interesting facts about what can be seen in telescopes.
Come to us for an exciting, playful astronomy demonstration, where all your questions will be answered!
The Astro-matiné program lasts 2-2.5 hours and is recommended for children aged 6-12!
The prices are the same for children and accompanying adults.
Children must be accompanied by an adult and purchase their own ticket.
Date: March 1-22, 2025
Venue: Svábhegyi Observatory
Tickets: from 4,500 HUF
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